
Unseen Wars Continued....

This all gives me the powerful illustration that I need for my teaching tonight. As a "greenie" (new guy) I live here in this jail and it looks like a pretty peaceful place. I don't realize all the underground fighting and aggression that's going on. Even when I see two guys fight I'm just thinking it's just a fight against them. Today I see that the two guys doing the fighting might not even be angry with each other. They might even be victims of a larger war. They might just be paying their "rent" to a larger warlord.

This is going to be my introduction to James 4:4 to be friends with the world is to be enemies of God. I have been concerned with the new Christians- who they sit with, who they walk with,their card playing and gambling buddies. I watch how their personalities change. When they are with different people. I don't want to talk about those specific things. I want them to understand the scriptures so they can come to it on their own, and they do. I am finding that when they find that scripture says it, they want to do it. Mark spends a lot of time at the card table. I am praying that this will change.

I will tell the guys tonight that, being a "greenie", I didn't see the battles going on around me; but they are there. As a "greenie" Christian they don't know the battle that is going on with the principalities and the powers in the heavenlies. The conversation that took place where God said about Job, "Consider my man Job." God was pleased with Job, he was proud of Job and he was saying that to many in the heavenlies who were watching. Satan heard the comment and challenged God. God allowed Satan to test Job. People on earth were watching but more importantly God and many others in the heavenlies were watching. Just as it is in prison and when we live our life on the outside the battle going on around us is bigger than we think. If we are only street wise we might win on the street but lose before God in the heavenlies. The big win is the win before God. This is why we must be more concerned about obeying him as in James 4:4 than in pleasing man. As followers and disciples we are "greenies", we are novices. It's best if we just obey and not ask, "Why?"

Two stories from this morning:

1. Mark came over right after lock down. I said how was lockdown for you? He said, "I read my Bible the whole time. I never understood it before, but now that you showed me, I can find things. I decided I'm going to read it from front to back." He seemed very happy.

2. I was walking Lobie (the Nigerian) came to walk with me. He said, "I have questions. He was excited with what he is learning. He wanted to know about having a girlfriend or a wife who is not a Christian. I explained that now that he is a Christian God wants to have a covenant with him and with his children. Being a Christian God lives in him. God's seed is in him and God does not want to be part of an unbeliever. The union is a sacred union. It was amazing how I could see him get the picture. He said, "So that's why we should not have sex without marriage. I could never understand that before."

God is so amazing. I just saw him understand way more than I explained. It's the way God is working. I am never pleased with my own explanation of the gospel. I wish I were better at it. I just am thankful to God that he is doing in spite of me. I just keep trying to see where he might like to work and make an introduction. I'm comfortable doing that and he does the rest in ways that are way beyond me.

Now you are up to speed on where I am at. Tomorrow is Tuesday and a strong possibility I'll be moved. God knows I am more than wiling to stay if he wants to do more with me here. If you hear I have gone somewhere other than Duluth, please realize that it is ok with me. I'd rather be in a difficult place in the center of God's purpose than in a "club Fed" not finding purpose.

I am not so strong as it might appear. If God would let me go two days without seeing his hand I might get pretty crabby and complain. God hasn't done that. I am seeing his appointments multiple times per day. He is amazing.

In Christ,


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